This tip will help you to easily and safely remove any external device pluged to your computer. Every computer user usually plugin external storage media or devices like USB/Memory Card etc and transfer data from or to it. VESTERconcept strongly advice that that you should always safely remove the external device before unplugging it. If your external hardware is used by any background process and you remove the hardware directly it may damage the device or corrupt the data stored in the device. You should always Safely Remove the hardware device to ensure that your data and device is safe. However most people usually forget to do this. You can create shortcut to safely remove hardware device on your Desktop which is more visible and can be easily used to remove the hardware devices. Below are step by step guide to
create a desktop shortcut of safely remove hardware and eject media.
Right click on your Desktop and Click on New.
Now choose Shortcut option from the list.In the browse location just Copy/Paste the following text
RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll
and click on Next button.Now it will ask you to Name the shortcut.Name it something like Safety Remove USB and then click on Finish button.There will a shortcut icon on your Desktop just double click on it and your external media will be Removed Safely.This shortcut can also be very helpful to you when your Safely Remove icon got disappear from your notification area. This tip works on all Microsoft OS Window 7/Vista and Window XP.
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