VESTERconcept in its usual way is about to teach you a very interesting computer trick. We call it trick because it is what you can do with your computer but you may not have discovered it yet. Please relax yourself read through this article apply it carefully and enjoy your new discovery in creative ability. In this article it will be revealed to you how to create any kind of greetings card be it season’s greetings card or valentine or get well soon etc. In this valentine period you can utilize this knowledge to create a unique and customize special valentine card for your love ones. Now let’s get started
your Microsoft 2007 in your personal computer then Click on the Office Button from the top left corner. Next Click on
New. The New Document window will open.
From the list under Templates, click on Greeting Cards now choose
the option you want from under the Greeting Cards section
You will be
connected to the Microsoft Office Online site select from hundreds of templates
and download the templates from there it’s very fast and simple. You can
preview every template in Word before downloading and then click the Download
You can now customize
the downloaded card by changing the colors, fonts etc or adding your
message you can even make the card more personal by adding your own photos to it
before printing it or sending it as an attachment email to the receiver.
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