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How To Transfer Credit On MTN, GLO, Airtel and Etisalat Networks

Do you want to transfer credit from one sim card to another but you don’t know how to go about it? This tutorial contains detailed information on how to transfer credit from MTN to MTN Networks, GLO to Glo Networks, Airtel to Airtel Networks and Etisalat to Etisalat Networks. Read through carefully  and put it to use when you need to remember this is your world of solutions.
For Glo to Glo Credit Transfer
Before you can start a transfer on Glo Network, you will need to activate the GLO ME2U Feature first. To activate the GLO ME2U feature, Send ACT to 131 in an SMS. You will be replied with an sms asking you to create or change your password/PIN for security purpose.
How to Change or Create Glo Me2u Transfer Pin
To change/create your Glo ME2U transfer pin, dial *132*00000*New Pin* New Pin# the send. Your new pin can only be in 4 digits number.
How to Transfer Credit On Glo
If you want to transfer credit from one glo sim to another, dial *131*recipients phone number*Amount*Pin# then send. It should look like *131*7053627819*100*1234#. The recipient phone number must start from 8 for 080 numbers and 7 for 070 numbers. You will receive a message from the network asking you to confirm by pressing 1 and press 2 to cancel.

For MTN to MTN Credit Transfer:
Before you can start a transfer using MTN, you will need to create a secret pin. This secret pin must be known to you alone, and the pin must be four digit numbers. Anyone that knows your pin can transfer your credit without your consent.
How to Change Your Transfer Pin from Default
You will need to change your transfer pin from default to a memorable number. The default pin is 0000. You can change your pin via USSD or SMS. The two steps will be explained below.
How to change your pin via SMS
Send the following command as SMS 0000 1234 1234 to 777
The 0000 in the command signifies your default pin,
The 1234 in the command signifies your new pin,
The repeated 1234 in the command signifies new pin confirmation.
You can change the 1234 in the code above to any code that suits you. If entered correctly, you will receive a message that your pin has been successfully changed.
How to change your pin via USSD
To change your transfer pin via USSD, dial *601* default/old PIN* New PIN* New PIN# then press the send button. For example, if you want to change your pin from default to 1234, you will dial*601*0000*1234*1234#. If entered correctly, you will receive a message that your pin has been changed successfully.
How To Transfer Credit On MTN
You can also transfer credit from MTN via two means. The means are USSD and SMS.
How to transfer credit via SMS
Send an sms in this format “Transfer 08065655230 200 1234” to  777
How To transfer credit via USSD.
To transfer credit via USSD, dial *600*Recipient’s phone number*amount in Naira*PIN# then press Send/Ok. If enter correctly, you will receive a text message confirming successful transfers.

For Etisalat To Etisalat Credit Transfer
To transfer credit form your etisalt sim to another, you will need to locate the etisalat service menu in your menu list. Once it is located, click on Balance transfer and after that a security code box will appear requesting for your pin. The default pin is 0000 and afterward you will be required to enter the amount you wish to transfer. You can also change your default pin from the service menu.
Another means to transfer credit from etisalat is by dialing *223*Pin*Amount*Phone Number# You must have a minimum of #10 balance on your phone before it can work.

For Airtel to Airtel Credit Transfer
To change airtel transfer pin, send the command below as SMS to 432
Pin Old Pin New Pin. For example, it will look like Pin 1234 9090. Airtel default pin is 1234. To transfer credit form one airtel sim to another, you need to enter the command shown below.
2U (space) Recipient's phone number (space) Amount (space) Pin. This will be sent as message to 432. Example: 2U 08128902673 100 1234 to 432
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